About SVHostingBlog.com

Category : hello
By :admin
Jan 01, 2009

SVHostingBlog is the official corporate blog of SiteValley.com hosting company. Since we have great experience in web hosting and constantly deal with clients who set interesting and not standard tasks, we decided to create this blog to showcase our expertise and share those tips and tweaks we event while assisting our customers. Apart from that we follow all the latest technology and software news. Right now we highlight such topics as VPS and cloud hosting, deliver blogging and website administration tips, offer software reviews and share our opinion on the latest news on the Web.

We are open for discussions and look forward to receiving your comments, suggestions and questions. You can ask whatever you wish unless it is hosting related or prompt an idea for the upcoming article and we will gladly review it and do all our best to get it published. Running SVHostingBlog as a non-commercial resource for the fixed audience – our own clients, host-seeking webmasters, web designers and developers – we make our content the cornerstone. You are not going to find anything but relevant original content. Neither we look into accepting those later – you will not see any back links to weird irrelevant blogs, any affiliate banners or anything like that – it will remain between you and us – your dedicated SiteValley.com team.

SVHostingBlog.com – where our readers live.

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