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posted by Alyona Susol @ 6:03 AM
April 19, 2016

Choosing hosting for a blog

In this article we will try to provide some general tips for beginners as for choosing hosting for a blog, without going deep into technical aspects. In order not to be prejudiced, we will focus on comparing characteristics instead of comparing companies. So, the main steps to take:

  • Choose between free and paid solution
  • Make sure that you will have a domain name along with web-hosting
  • Think of how much space the blog will take
  • Check the number of addon domains (for more than one blog)
  • Make sure that the needed software is pre-installed

Let’s see why these points are to be kept in mind.
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posted by Alyona Susol @ 8:22 AM
March 31, 2016

how to choose hostingWelcome, new and aspiring webmasters!

If you are reading this, we take it you are just starting your way into the workings of web hosting and are looking to host your web site online.

Web site hosting as a whole may seem difficult and hard to understand, but worry not! We here at SiteValley like to make things easy for people, that is why we have decided to prepare a series of articles covering the basics of web hosting for absolute beginners. We also have hosting plans specifically designed for such beginners – but more on that later.
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